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Easy Paint Tool Sai Brushes. Get These Brushes. Note: I found a few different brush packs with the same name so if you Google search “easy paint tool sai brushes” you might find more to work with. But this page seems like the easiest brush pack to start with. It has a visual tutorial along with direct download links on the page. I’ve never personally used the Weasyl site before but it. Is it possible to change the UI colors to make a dark theme Is there any third party programs that would work on sai's UI? I'll be fine if it changes the rest of windows, it would be quite nice, I'm on windows 10.

Paint tool SAI is a lightweight editor for bitmap images and a painting software that first released in 2008, making it one of the oldest programs of its nature. It became very popular among both beginner and more advanced users because of its simple user interface that has a large number of different tools. Although animation with it can be a bit complicated, there are a few simple steps that you can follow.

Download and Installation

The program supports many versions of Windows, from Windows 2000 all the way to Windows 10, both 32 and 64 bit. Paint tool SAI download is an easy process with an even simpler installation wizard. Once you check/uncheck the wanted boxes, installation is over in a matter of seconds and you’re ready to start drawing and animating.

Drawing With Paint Tool SAI

When you first open the program, you’ll begreeted by a fairly simple interface containing a ribbon menu and a sectionwith tools that contain multiple customization options.

– To start, you’ll need to create a new canvasby clicking on File-New. After inputting the wanted height and width, click onthe OK button

– After the canvas is created, select the toolwith which you’ll draw with from the tools menu and draw the first frame of theanimation

– Then, reduce the opacity of the selectedlayer and create a new one from the left side of the program

Paint Tool Sai 2

– Draw the next frame, reduce the opacity ofthe selected layer, hide the first one by clicking on the little eye icon (1)and create a new layer (2)

– Repeat the process for however many framesyou want your animation to have

–Afterwards, you’ll need to save each layer. Start at layer 1 and hide everyother layer. Turn the opacity back to 100%, go to File-Save As, name it howeveryou want and in the file type select .png extension

– Repeat this for all layers, but remember tomake it the ONLY one visible while saving it by removing the eye icon fromevery other Once saved, you can move to the next step of making it into ananimation.

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Creating an Animation

Since SAI is a painting software and doesn’thave a built-in animation tool, we’ll need to use a third-party app to connectall the layers (frames) we previously saved. There are both online and offlinetools that can be used, some free and some paid.


Some of the more popular offline tools whichcan be used to connect images into an animation include Photoshop, Movie Maker, Sony Vegas etc. Almost any largerphoto editing or movie making software has the ability to create an animation,although they can take up a lot of hard drive space.

A much easier alternative is a free, onlineGIF maker tool that requires no download and gets the job done in a matter ofseconds. For our purpose, we’ll use EZgif Maker.

How To Create a GIF

To start, go to ezgif.com/maker. You’ll bepresented with a few buttons used to upload images and create the GIF. Thewebsite supports up to 2000 files, which means that you can use up to 2000different layers from SAI, enough for almost all purposes.

– First, click on the “Choose Files”button and select all of the layers/frames you want to use in your animation.

– Then, click on the blue “Upload andmake a GIF” button.

Dark Theme For Paint Tool Sai Bhajans

– At the next screen you’ll be able to makesome modifications to your end result. You can rearrange the order in whichframes will appear, as well as the delay between them and some other minoroptions. If you’re unsure of what they do, its best to leave them by default.

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– Once you’re done, click on the blue“Make a GIF” button. You’ll be shown a preview and given the optionto download it They also give you an option to optimize it, which can reducethe file size if its too big (common when the animation consists of too manyframes).

Although it might seem complicated at first,animation with SAI is extremely easy if you follow these steps. Experiment withdifferent tools and try out new things. With a little bit of imagination, youcan get some pretty impressive results.

Time to start shading. I recommend choosing a different color like I did (I chose salmon even though the base color is a yellow-orange color) or slightly darker shade.You can start with any layer you want but I'm starting with the hair. There's pTime to start shading. I recommend choosing a different color like I did (I chose salmon even though the base color is a yellow-orange color) or slightly darker shade.You can start with any layer you want but I'm starting with the hair. There's plenty of ways to do this, this is a bit more work but I'm picky about how things look. Make a new linework layer and set it above the base color (so this one is set above 'hair') and then click 'clipping group', it's circled in red so you can find it. What this does is that it clips the new layer to the previous one and you can't draw outside that specific color area. So I can't color outside the hair layer.Take the pen or curve tool (you can use either) and start drawing out where you want your shadows to be placed. You'll be using this as a guideline as well as something to fill in when it comes time to fill in those areas.**I cannot teach you where to place shadow and shading on a drawing because it's not something I'm too good at and usually guess. It helps to choose a light source and imagine where light would shine down on your character and also where light doesn't touch.